A Ministry of the ELCA - Supported by World Hunger


Meteorologist Bob Lindmeier on Climate Change in Wisconsin

Written by LOPPW | 12/13/2016

Written by Meteorologist Bob Lindmeier I have been a television broadcast meteorologist for the past 38 years. Early in my career I became aware of a concern in the scientific community about a weather phenomenon called “global warming.”  As my career progressed, I noticed that climate researchers were becoming more and more alarmed as the […]

Advocacy – it’s all about people and creation, not political parties

Written by LOPPW | 06/24/2014

More than 420,000 members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America reside in Wisconsin and reflect a wide spectrum of political beliefs. How can we do advocacy work as a church body within our state when we have such diverse views? For that matter, how can we as a 4.2 million-member national church advocate for […]