A Ministry of the ELCA - Supported by World Hunger

Advocacy Resources

Talking to your Congregation about Advocacy  

This draft social statement helps us to delve into what it means to be a Christian in the world, with a particular focus on politics (not partisan politics).  What do you think about how we relate to the world as people of faith, in particular as ELCA members?  What about Christian Nationalism, bearing false witness via social media?  How do you relate to the U.S. Constitution?  The ELCA is taking comments until the end of September.  Go here for more information and the Draft of a Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith!

LOPPW Advocacy Guidebook – Steps to introducing advocacy into your ministries: Our-Church-Our-World

New ELCA Advocacy Resource: On-Ramp to Advocacy

Devotional for council meetings, small groups, etc.:  Devotions on the ELCA Social Statements

Video from our D.C. Office! ELCA Advocacy: Set free to do justice – YouTube

ELCA Resource: Talking Together as Christians about Tough Social Issues: Found Here.

Book Study!  Bonhoeffer Book Study. The book study has been completed but we highly recommend that you read the suggested book.  More resources related to the book study to follow.

New Resources

Engaging with News & Media Bibliography-LEAD 2023

Engaging with News & Media LEAD 2023


Additional ELCA Advocacy Resources:  https://www.elca.org/Resources/Advocacy

Great Resource on Advocacy from the Ohio Hunger Network:  https://www.hungernetohio.com/guidebook


God’s Work Our Hands 2023 Advocacy Resources: GWOH_Advocacy_Resource

Wisconsin Congressional Districts for the 118th Congress

  Wisconsin Congressional Map

August Recess Opportunity (from Witness in Society in D.C.)


2023-25 Wisconsin State Budget

LOPPW Comments to the Joint Finance Committee:  2023 Joint Finance Committee Requests

Lift your voices at a public hearing or in your comments via writing to the Joint Finance Committee.  In this brief tool kit, find a list of all the public hearings and three of our priorities with talking points:  Budget Talking Points & Public Hearings



Setting up a virtual visit – Short Interview with Andrew Fuller, ELCA Advocacy Coordinator – Video.   The video is based on this resource written Karen Krueger, Program Director for Advocacy Engagement – Virtual Visits

Also check out this short video Tips for Engagement from our D.C. office.


Advocating on a Local Level 

Finding and Contacting your County Supervisors (Eg. of issue and website specific to Trempealeau Cty. but helpful for any issue and county in WI)

Advocating Locally  –  This is a resource for contacting your county but also could be used as a guide for advocating with municipalities.

Advocating to Cty. Supervisors (Trempealeau Cty)

Other Advocacy Tools

Braver Angels Resources. Braver Angels is an organization focused on bringing “more than civility, empathy, and goodwill” to conversations. “We need courage.”  They accept donations but do not have specific fees for their workshops and trainings.  Also, find an interview with Partnerships Specialist Julie Boler of Braver Angels Here.

Recent webinar:  Lifting our Voices during the Pandemic: Co-sponsored by LOPPW and Women of the ELCA ECSW – Power Point Presentation & Recording

ELCA Resources – Money & Politics: Money & Politics: The Gradual Distortion of American Politics and its Impact on Poverty – What does the church have to say? 2016 Money and Politics  For a summary of the longer Money & Politics document:2016 Money and Politics summary

ELCA Social Statement on Economic Life.


Responding to the 2021-23 Wisconsin State Budget

The Wisconsin State Budget is the single most important piece of legislation to regularly pass through the Legislature as it sets our state’s priorities for the next two years.We encourage you to use this document to assist you in responding to the Wisconsin State Budget:  LOPPW State Budget Priorities 2021-23.

2021-23 Budget Action Alerts (these will be sent to your State Senator & State Rep)

PDF of April 23, 2021 Supporting the Expansion of Eligibility for Driver’s Licenses and ID Cards in the State Budget: LOPPW Alert & State Budget April 23 2021

PDF of April 22, 2021 Care for God’s Creation (Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency, Green Jobs, Farmers & Land Conservation) in the State Budget: LOPPW Alert & State Budget April 22 2021

PDF of April 21, 2021 Care for God’s Creation (Equity) in the State Budget:  LOPPW Alert & State Budget April 21, 2021

PDF of April 20, 2021 Badger Care in the State Budget:  LOPPW Alert & State Budget April 20, 2021


Advocating During the Summer Recess

This summer, the Wisconsin State Legislature will take a brief recess, while the U.S. Congress traditionally takes a recess during the month of August. Both the state and federal recess periods allow lawmakers time to return to their home districts to connect with constituents. That may look a bit different this year, but the month still holds meaningful potential for local advocates to advance relationships and engage with elected officials, ask questions, and share concerns. 


Advocating to Your Congressional Representatives

Stay tuned for a 2021 resource from our  ELCA Advocacy office in Washington DC.  Our national office has also provided a page detailed the ELCA’s commitment to being a publicly engaged church. 

Because we are still coming out of the Covid-19 pandemic, the ELCA National Office has also provided resources to help you connect with lawmakers via a Virtual Visit.  Finally, the August Recess Guide also contains ideas for communicating with your elected officials and candidates indistrict this month.

New to Advocating to Your Legislator or Congressional Representatives?

See our LOPPW Advocacy Guide to learn how to make your voice heard!