A Ministry of the ELCA - Supported by World Hunger

Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Justice

Resolution from the Greater Milwaukee Synod Assembly in June 2023: Resolution-2-Final-Resolution-in-Support-of-the-Raise-the-Age-Wisconsin-Campaign

Raise the Age Webinar April 2022! Please take time with our Raise the Age Informational Webinar, which includes personal stories, and please feel free to share.

In the fall of 2020, the LOPPW Advisory Council voted unanimously to add criminal justice reform as an LOPPW priority. At the same time, the LOPPW Director and Advisory Council decided to focus advocacy efforts on juvenile justice reform here in Wisconsin.

Youth Justice in Wisconsin: A Clear Perspective

LOPPW’s new policy report, titled Youth Justice in Wisconsin: A Clear Perspective, provides a comprehensive overview of Wisconsin’s youth justice system, including where our system is falling short and how we can start to rethink our treatment of justice-involved youth. This report also states and explains LOPPW’s own priorities and policy positions regarding needed changes in how Wisconsin prevents, diverts, and treats youth who become justice-involved.

See the entire policy report here: LOPPW Youth Justice Report

See the one-pager here: YJ in WI One-Pager

Raise the Age Wisconsin

As our first step in advocating for youth justice, LOPPW helped to rejuvenate a former coalition dedicating to returning 17-year-old youth to the juvenile justice system. This new coalition, called Raise the Age – Wisconsin, is working to raise the age of juvenile court jurisdiction to bring 17-year-olds back to the juvenile system. Wisconsin is one of only three states where all 17-year-olds are automatically tried in the adult system, which leads to higher government spending, lower public safety, and worse outcomes for justice-involved youth.

Please check out the website that Hunger Advocacy Fellow Kyle Minden created for RTA-Wisconsin:  www.raisetheagewi.org

Current Action Alert: Raise the Age in Wisconsin 

Raise the Age Resources

Other Juvenile Justice Work

LOPPW Youth Justice Policy Priorities: Coming soon! This summer LOPPW will release a Youth Justice Policy Report outlining LOPPW’s role in advocating for youth justice reform and identifying our juvenile justice policy priorities. Check back or follow us on Facebook to catch this new report from LOPPW.