A Ministry of the ELCA - Supported by World Hunger

Hunger Leaders – WI/UP


Thank you to Wisconsin and UP ELCA World Hunger leaders for including LOPPW in their excellent project to assist us as people of faith to share our stories.

I Love to Tell the Story, But How? was supported by a Hunger Networking and Education Grant from ELCA World Hunger and included two evenings of inspirational and practical advice on how to craft a story, record your story, edit a video, and spread the word via social media.

Thank you to Cindy Dobberke for providing the recordings and resources from the June and July 2023 events!

“What makes a story memorable” led by Rev. Jenn Pockat, Associate to the Bishop, Director for Communication and Community for the East Central Synod of Wisconsin and How to record and make the video impactful, led by Rev. Chris Manke, Executive Director for Outreach for Hope in the Greater Milwaukee Synod:  Recording:  You’ll need the passcode to access: 0?&b$Mz8

How to edit the videos, so they tell the story you want to tell, led by Rev. Cindy Crane, LOPPW and “How to share videos most effectively,” led by Robyn Bayland, Communications Manager, Greater Milwaukee Synod and Outreach for Hope:  Recording: You’ll need the passcode to access:  G!6fit*

Additional resources from the events

Link to Pr. Jenn’s presentation on Storytelling, her notes and the message map which she shared: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12EJrAY3emsiMGMHTaWDy2kaMvaUpdL5G

Link to Pr. Chris’ Presentation = How to Capture Video: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Pi8HpLwrUjYVuEOtnEDlsv8v0ZAQatHL/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101435362293653811075&rtpof=true&sd=true

Pr. Chris mentioned cloud transfer services for video files. Link to that info: https://wetransfer.com/

Link to the Bluetooth Rode Microphones which Pastor Chris mentioned: https://rode.com/en-us/microphones/wireless

Stabilizer tripods are called gimbals if you’d like to google. Here’s a link to amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=handheld+gimbal+for+iphone&hvadid=233968558464&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9019086&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=17639895411355061469&hvtargid=kwd-331770302634&hydadcr=18477_9831761&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_2stm4ma7jo_e

Resources for Video Editing from Pastor Cindy Crane

Webinar links from Robyn Bayland

Kudos to the amazing team that organized these two events:

Rev. Walter Baires, South Central Synod of WI
Cindy Dobberk, Greater Milwaukee Synod
Meg Finerty, La Crosse Area Synod
Rev. Kathryn Ingbritsen, La Crosse Area Synod
Deb Martin, East Central Synod of WI

Thanks to the initiative of some amazing hunger leaders, who successfully organized three sessions (two on each day) to engage people from around Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, they have three videos filled with inspiring stories and information.
ELCA Hunger Leaders, Deb Martin, Cindy Dobberke, Rev. Kathy Ingbritsen, Meg Finerty, Rev. Walter Baires, Rev. Cindy Crane (thank you for including LOPPW and advocacy!) organized the events.
Questions about networking further?  Please contact Deb Martin at debmartin04@gmail.com or Cindy Dobberke cindy.dobberke@gmail.com



Videos on Addressing Hunger in our Six Synods

This video series is a work-in-progress. Please check back for more videos!

Partnerships, Neighbors, & Food: A Small Church with a Large Food Ministry: Interview with Pastor Lisa Nelson of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Madison:  Watch video here.

Community Meals Ministry. Bill Binroth, Director of Let’s Eat Community Meals of Chassell, MI talks about how to get a community meals ministry started and keep it going! Watch Video Here.

Food Truck Ministry:  Filling a hole during the pandemic – interview with Rev. Lindsey Buekelman of All People’s Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. Watch Video Here. 

Hot to Start a Food Pantry. Learn about great tips and wisdom from Sharry Hebert, Food Pantry Coordinator, Trinity Lutheran Church in Eau Claire.  Watch this video: Wathc video Here.