A Ministry of the ELCA - Supported by World Hunger

Advocacy as an ELCA Ministry

Advocacy in the ELCA

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) believes that advocacy is a necessary aspect of the church’s participation in society. There are three expressions of the advocacy ministry of the ELCA, which all advocate for just, sound and compassionate public policies based upon the officially adopted social justice policy positions of the ELCA. These social justice policy positions are outlined in our ELCA Social Statements and Social Messages. We are also guided in our advocacy efforts by our Advisory Council, whom represent all six Wisconsin synods and mold our office’s public policy priorities.

“In faithfulness to [God’s] calling, this church is committed to defend human dignity, to stand with poor and powerless people, to advocate justice, to work for peace, and to care for the earth in the processes and structures of contemporary society.” – ELCA Social Statement: Church in Society. 

How LOPPW Engages in Advocacy

The Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin works with partners across the state and country to push for policies that defend human dignity, promote peace, and ensure justice for all of God’s creation. Firmly embedded in the ELCA community, LOPPW works with Lutheran bishops, pastors and congregations to develop and support the ministry of advocacy in their communities. Additionally, we interpret and convey the public policy positions and the advocacy priorities of the ELCA synods in Wisconsin to the state legislature and state agencies through direct advocacy. LOPPW also joins hands with our ELCA colleagues in the National Advocacy Office in Washington, DC, the ELCA State Public Policy Offices across the country, and the Lutheran Office for World Community at the United Nations. Finally, LOPPW engages with interfaith and secular advocacy organizations and networks that align with our priorities. For more information on how we engage in faith-based advocacy, please visit our “Develop Advocates for the Public Church” and “Working With Partners” tabs.