A Ministry of the ELCA - Supported by World Hunger

Developing Advocates for a Public Church

Developing Advocates for a Public Church

First and foremost, LOPPW educates, engages, and inspires Lutherans across the state of Wisconsin to become faith-based advocates for justice, peace, and the protection of all of God’s creation. We do this by leading workshops and trainings, offering resources, and engaging in direct advocacy, LOPPW assists ELCA members in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan strengthen their ability to advocate for just policies that reflect our values. Our office accomplishes all of this with one staff person, a vibrant advisory council representing six synods, interns, a growing number of volunteers, and the grace of God.

We do all of this keeping a focus on our being faith-based advocates.  There many avenues through which we can love our neighbor. Advocacy is one of those responses. We begin, continue, and end with God in all that we do as advocates. We are not partisan but support and counter policies based on our values as a church and grounded in the ELCA Social Statements and Social Messages.

Our Direct Advocacy

The director of LOPPW is a registered lobbyist in Wisconsin and directly registers on bills, testifies, at hearings, and builds relationships with legislators.  LOPPW lobbies for and encourages our ELCA members to join in discourse about legislation that reflects our values and call to love our neighbor. In this sense we see ourselves as advocates. This direct advocacy is carried out in context of scripture, the ELCA social statements, and under the guidance of our policy council.

NEW!  Called into the World:  Devotions on the ELCA Social Statements written by former and current LOPPW Advisory Council members.

Stay Up-to-Date on LOPPW Advocacy

We want to keep you alert to what is happening with state and some federal legislation via social media and blog posts. You can learn more on our Facebook page. We also appreciate everyone who signs up for action alerts.  If you want to stay up-to-date on Wisconsin policy and LOPPW advocacy efforts, please sign up! Finally, please check out our resources and advocacy tools page: Learn More!

We are always looking for opportunities to talk with congregations and groups about our particular priority areas or about how Lutherans can engage in advocacy in their communities. Please visit our Host an LOPPW Event page or contact our LOPPW office if you have questions or would like us to host a workshop in your area:  cindyc@loppw.org